Tutorial 7- Double Exposure Effect

Hello Everyone,

Today's Lesson: Double Exposure

This took me a good week to figure out what I was trying to do with this. Now I have a better understanding of what I'm doing with this and feel confident to be able to do this technique moving forward with the assessment and even in my own personal projects.

Few things that had me confused was the select and mask interface. It was confusing to me because I wasn't sure what did what. My partner was helping me and came across a video on Youtube that really made it easy to understand and it might really help others that aren't sure how to use this feature. Check out this link: https://youtu.be/pSVeSzzMrKs

The second part that was confusing to me was the layer blend features. I've never really used them before and it took me to figure out what mode did what. I kept doing putting the layer blend mode Overlay on the wrong layer to get this effect the example was providing in the material. This was mostly because I didn't read it properly. Although in doing this I did find other effects that the layer blend features could provide. I will definitely play with this feature more in the future.

The other parts of the example was easy to follow and understand. I replicated the example and did two versions of my own Double Exposure projects to make sure I fully understood the process.

For My own double exposure I was trying to think of a concept of what I wanted to do and the story it could mean. After looking on social media I came up with the perfect idea. While scrolling through my social media there was a lot of posts of fires in my local and in other parts of Queensland, Australia. Also in my feed was funny cat and dog videos which bought to my attention how does fires affect our pets and wildlife? This was my inspiration to my pieces. My pet cat was caught in flood waters in 2011 so this is a very important subject to me. My cat is safe and healthy to this day because we managed to get her out safely. 

For my double exposure images I used the same layers for the background and the overlay for the cats. I used a moody cloud image and a fire disaster. I used two different cats for different effects and for fun. All images I got from: freeimages.com

During natural disasters and storms make sure you have a dry, safe place with plenty of food and water for them. If you are near affected areas put water outside for wildlife remembering their environment could have been destroyed and may not have access to water. Please be safe in the process and don't put yourself in danger. 

That is all for now,
Crystle Maree

My replication of the example.
My personal example 1
My personal example 2
Cloud image used
Fire image used
Cat image used

Cat image used


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