Introduction to Creative Drawing Tutorials and Equipment

Hello Everyone,

Today's discussion: Introduction to Creative Drawing and Equipment.

I got the new cluster Creative drawing early October 2019 and was both excited and worried. I gave a quick look through the modules and the assessments I knew straight away I wanted to work on Assessment One: Essay. I wanted to get it out of the way so I didn't have to worry about it while working on the more interactive part of the course the tutorials. I did this both because writing essays is normally quite difficult and I didn't have of the equipment needed to start. In the past 6 years I've done nothing but drawing digitally on anything from a Wacom drawing pad, a Samsung Tablet and to my current set up a windows surface pro so I had nothing. The only time I drew with a piece of paper and a pencil was when I playing around and drawing funny little doodles that my little sister asked me to draw right then and there. Other then that its all been digital. Since the beginning of October I have completed and handed it in and I've managed to go out and obtain some of the equipment required to get started. A few things I had to order online and I still need to go get some other things. So far I've got two books one for drawing and the other for watercolours, pencils, ruler, sharpener, hard erasers, kneadable eraser and a watercolour set. I've gone ahead and done swatches and tests with all my new art supplies and all of them seem to work really well for what I need to do. I got me a bit more excited to try my hands at traditional drawing and painting again. I'm looking forward to showing my work in progress piece and the end product for the tutorials and the assessments. 

That's it for now,
Crystle Maree

PS. Here are my equipment and swatches that I've done so far. (Keep in mind these tests are scattered from back in October) 
First art supply Haul
Testing the pencils and erasers
Watercolour and brush set
Watercolour swatches


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