Assessment 2-Comic Strip

Hello Everyone,

Today's topic of discussion Assessment 2-Comic Strip

This assessment I was both excited but very nervous to work on. I haven't done many comics in the past maybe one that I can remember. I wasn't sure how to start except setting up a comic strip template ready to get ready to sketch some ideas. I had a few ideas that I sketched out on a familiar application to me Clip Art Studios. I roughly sketched out three comic ideas. One about a funny moment of my partner and I playing World of Warcraft. Another about that my best friend and my favourite characters from Overwatch. The last sketch which I ended up going with was how my day becomes such a great day when with friends. 

My sketch was very rough and only basic figure shapes/poses which I later changed up. See Below for what I sketched and what I ended up doing.

That's all for now,
Crystle Maree

Original Sketch
Assessment Completed


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