Lesson Two: Tracing an Image (WIP)

Hello Everyone,

Today's lesson tracing an image on Adobe Illustrator.

I came into this lesson thinking to myself "this will be easy" about an hour in and about half the line work done using the pen tool I realised it was going to be a lot more time consuming then originally thought. Within reading the given information from the course I wish I paid a bit more attention to 3B (optional) reflecting shapes. This changed the game and sped things up although it took me about 20 minutes and a little help from my fiance to get the hang of it and understand what I was trying to do.  At this point I'm about 2 hrs in and I have finally finished my line work time to fill in the shaped I took so long to complete.

Things I have learnt so far in this lesson:

  • Read the information carefully
  • Apply the information if you are comfortable to do so
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help
  • Make sure you allow enough time to accomplish a task

That's all for now,
Crystle Maree 


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