Tutorial 3- Self Portrait WIP

Hello Everyone,

Today's Lesson Self portraits.

Drawing on a regular day I normally draw portraits so I was very excited to start this activity. I tend to draw a self portrait once a year to track my drawing progress. First step finding a picture of myself and imported it into Adobe Illustrator. I did the base line work taking me about an hour. Quicker and easier to complete with the pen tool on illustrator then what I normally do using a freehand line-art brush on clip art studio. 

I then filled in the base shapes with the base colours and played around with the gradient point tools to do a bronze shadow look on the face a body quickly realising that I did not like the look of the piece with the gradient look did not work very well and the colours didn't work out the best for my complexion, so I scrapped the gradient. After looking more into the examples provided and examples of portraits that I found on the internet I decided to go for a more of a bolder shadow highlight look with a harder edge instead of a softer finish like I am very use to doing as shown in the material provided. I did attempt once laying down the shadow shapes using the blend effect to see if I could still achieve the blended look and once again scrapped it. 

Today is now Monday, I have taken a small blocks of time scattered over the last few days working on this activity due to feeling ill but I've continued to work on this. By this point I have the base line work, base colours, basic shadows and basic highlights. So far so good in my opinion. 

What I have learnt so far during this activity

  • Bold lines and shapes I shouldn't be afraid to use
  • Its okay to step out of my comfort zone to try new things.
  • Its easier to get down a quick base line work by blocking out shapes with the pen tool.  Makes it a lot easier down the track to fine tune lines and block in base colour work to build upon.
  • It is very important to save regularly. 
  • It is very important to rename layers.
  • It is very important to lock layers you do not want to move or change in any way. 

Anyways that's all for now,
Crystle Maree

Line Art
base colour

Basic shadows/highlights (still need refining)


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