Tutorial 2- Creating a Simple Logo

Hello Everyone,

Today's Lesson Creating a Simple Logo

This lesson I was very excited to work on and let my creative juices flow. My first thing I had to decide was the content of what this logo was going to be. I decided to take inspiration from my fiance who use to have a computer repair business and made a new logo based on his current favourite thing....Pineapples. 

Things I have learnt in this activity

  • Composition of a logo
  • Different gradient styles
  • Customising gradients and colours
Below is my process of how I completed this activity from start to finish and the different stages of the piece.

I started off using the ellipse shape tool and made an oval. I pulled down the two side anchor points down and out to make the bottom of the pineapple body more wide, kind of like a really rounded 3 pointed triangle. I proceeded to use fill the body in with the freestyle, point gradient making the centre a bright yellow and the outside edges a brown/orange colour. I used the line to to make the crosshatch segment look in the same brown/orange shade just using the colour sliders to make it a little darker to stand out. 

After finishing the body of the pineapple I moved onto the leaves. I used the pen tool to make a spiky top. I removed the stroke and used the same freestyle, point gradient to changed the colours to a green/yellow on the tips, medium green in the middle with a dark green/black in the centre point closest to the pineapple body. The second lot of leaves (the back portion) I only used the medium and dark green. I made a duplicate of the shape and moved the points to give it more dimension.

The eyes were super easy I just got the ellipse shape tool and combined multiple oval shapes and only changed the fill colour to white where it was needed.

The banner was done the some way as the leaves pen tool, duplicating, flipped, rotated and moved the shapes. Only difference was the colours, radial gradient and I used a 5 point stroke on the shapes in dark blue.

The words were simple catch phase and a business name. In this case Squizzcheeze PC. (This is not a real business) Once this was done I made the last few adjustments to the overall piece, saved to project and exported the image. That is it my full process took me about two hours to complete and I am happy with the outcome and so is my client. 

That is all for now,
Crystle Maree

The Pineapple completed.

Pineapple with the first style of the banner.

Finished project with the new banner.


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