
Showing posts from July, 2019

Tutorial 3- Self Portrait WIP

Hello Everyone, Today's Lesson Self portraits. Drawing on a regular day I normally draw portraits so I was very excited to start this activity. I tend to draw a self portrait once a year to track my drawing progress. First step finding a picture of myself and imported it into Adobe Illustrator. I did the base line work taking me about an hour. Quicker and easier to complete with the pen tool on illustrator then what I normally do using a freehand line-art brush on clip art studio.  I then filled in the base shapes with the base colours and played around with the gradient point tools to do a bronze shadow look on the face a body quickly realising that I did not like the look of the piece with the gradient look did not work very well and the colours didn't work out the best for my complexion, so I scrapped the gradient. After looking more into the examples provided and examples of portraits that I found on the internet I decided to go for a more of a bolder shadow hi

Tutorial 2- Creating a Simple Logo

Hello Everyone, Today's Lesson Creating a Simple Logo This lesson I was very excited to work on and let my creative juices flow. My first thing I had to decide was the content of what this logo was going to be. I decided to take inspiration from my fiance who use to have a computer repair business and made a new logo based on his current favourite thing....Pineapples.  Things I have learnt in this activity Composition of a logo Different gradient styles Customising gradients and colours Below is my process of how I completed this activity from start to finish and the different stages of the piece. I started off using the ellipse shape tool and made an oval. I pulled down the two side anchor points down and out to make the bottom of the pineapple body more wide, kind of like a really rounded 3 pointed triangle. I proceeded to use fill the body in with the freestyle, point gradient making the centre a bright yellow and the outside edges a brown/orange colour. I

Combining Shapes Lesson

Hello Everyone, Today's lesson: Combining Shapes Today I started to lesson on combining shapes. Looking at the provided information from the course explained the task so well. I managed to do this task very quickly. Was very easy to replicate the information provide. I'm looking forward to using this type of technique in new projects. Things I've learnt during this lesson: How to Join two shapes together using the join option How to join two shapes together using the Average option That's All for now, Crystle Maree

Lesson Two: Tracing an Image

Hey Everyone, Today's Lesson tracing an image and colouring the trace. This part of the activity was super easy to complete and fun to do. Applying the colours and going through the different colour combinations that you can use. Things I've learnt in this lesson. Playing with colour is fun How to applying colour to a group of trace layers How to adjust colour tones That's all for now, Crystle Maree

Lesson Two: Tracing an Image (WIP)

Hello Everyone, Today's lesson tracing an image on Adobe Illustrator. I came into this lesson thinking to myself "this will be easy" about an hour in and about half the line work done using the pen tool I realised it was going to be a lot more time consuming then originally thought. Within reading the given information from the course I wish I paid a bit more attention to 3B (optional) reflecting shapes. This changed the game and sped things up although it took me about 20 minutes and a little help from my fiance to get the hang of it and understand what I was trying to do.  At this point I'm about 2 hrs in and I have finally finished my line work time to fill in the shaped I took so long to complete. Things I have learnt so far in this lesson: Read the information carefully Apply the information if you are comfortable to do so Don't be afraid to ask for help Make sure you allow enough time to accomplish a task That's all for now, Crystle

Tutorial No.1: Using the pen tool.

Welcome to my first Blog  First activity using Adobe Illustrator Tutorial number one was a fun little task. Reading the tutorial I never thought about making a circle from a base of a diamond very clever idea. I found it quite simple to be able to replicate the instructions provided within the course material provided.  How did I go? With this being one of the first things I have created on Adobe I feel like I completed the task as instructed and I feel  confident that I will be able to continue using the pen and shape tools to be able to create some interesting art.  Things I have learnt in this activity: Basics of Adobe Illustrator You can make circles out of diamonds How to create, change and customise shapes That's all for now.       Crystle Maree